Man, I had fun at the video shoot! For those who don't know the "Haters" song by B.O.B. , check it out. I bet any money that this song will be your new anthem. Bet!
Yeah, ya'll haters be mad. We got (almost) celebrity status now. LOL!!! We got the chance to kick it with a few big people. TJ Dj was there, BRich from Brich Ent. was there, Homebwoi was there, Rich Boy, Moss B, a few radio VJs and DJs, but they coolest person out there to me was Playboy Tre. That dude funny as hell. Everybody in the club was laughing ALL day because of this dude. If you not familiar with Tre, think.... think.... LOCKED UP..... MUGGIN...... Yeah, you got it!
I know ya'll wanna ask if we gonna be in the video.
Moving on, Playboy Tre hit up the infamous YouTube lab. LOL thats so lame! We chatted it up for a good 2 hours and we got him on the Fat Girl Eat What You Want Remix.
Crazy! If you never got a chance to hear the dude rap, I suggest you go to or something, find the GoodBye America mixtape and open ya ears!
In other news, the South Central Park video finally premiered on Youtube. In one day, we got about 15,000 plus hits! about 9 honors, one of them being #1 favorited video of the day! The video made it to Complex magazines site, so I can't really give a good enough reason for as why Youtube don't mess with us now, besides they hate black people. But hey.... my opinion!!! Here's the video if you haven't seen it!
South Central Park
And whoever keeps reposting our videos, trying to take credit for our videos are dumbasses.
Just incase you were wondering, we pushed back the Gwils shit because hey... this is good news, right?
Myspace coming back soon.................
Thanks for the love dude. Keep it up with the videos!
Add my link to your page if you want, and I'll do the same.
yeah i never understood why niggas take other nigga's videos and uplaod them as their own, but to each his own i guess lol.
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