Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back Like Cooked Crack

Yessir... we just got back in the US after our visit to Mexico... it was Mexi-cool! Yep. We watched the water, ate food, got drunk, played in the water, and everything you can do outside. If never been on a cruise you need to go. It will be one of the best moments in your life. Too bad we had to leave.

We were pretty pissed to leave all that fun to find out our Myspace got deleted!

Fuck you Tom. You sweet, soft, and sensitive gay bitch.

We will be back up with a new page. Just keep intouch with us so you can know what it is.

We were away from the computer for a couple of days so we can't put up videos. We still are away (im typing from a sidekick) Sometime today we will be back on the cartoon thing. Maybe a blogtalkradio show... you never know.

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