Wanna know what we been doing for the past couple of days? lol. It should be obvious already. But we have been on Xbox Live very hard. Its like crack and you can't get off.
We love to play with everybody. We actually do play with everybody. Even those people that interview us through the whole game lol. Hit us up if you wanna play. We don't play sports games online so don't bother asking. We do play games like Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, and Saints Row.
Please please please please please please don't send us a friend request!!! I really want to stress this because people really don't listen.
Please don't send us a request just because Soulja Boy is on our friends list. People piss me off with that. They add us and then we ask them who they are. Then they say, "I saw Soulja Boy on yo friends list. So add me"
FUCK YOU!!! Go add Soulja Boy then.
I should record myself playing a game for about 30 minutes just to show you how many people send us friend request.
(A little info about Xbox Live)
You are only limited to 100 friends. We have about 60 after we deleted people that don't play anymore. We have about 30 pending friend requests. When I get back on it will be more. But we can't keep adding random people because soon it will be back to 100. And guess what? Somebody has to get deleted. So think about that.
And don't get me wrong, I don't want you to not send friend requests. I want you to send them after we have played once or twice. Most people send us friend requests and turn their games off without even playing or talking to us. So please do us this favor and stop sending friend requests until we get to know you.
^^^ I feel like nobody with an Xbox is going to read that and the madness will continue XD but oh well